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Top 5 Epic Plays of the Week: episode 11
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Dear players!

We continue new video series under the project: “This Is War Thunder - Top 5 Epic Plays of the Week” with PhlyDaily as our host! This is not only  your chance to showcase the most amazing moments of your game play with everyone, but it is also a chance to win Golden Eagles in the process! The show will be aired weekly with five videos being showcased and five players being rewarded for their awesome plays:

First place – 3000 golden eagles
Second place – 2000 golden eagles
Third, Fourth and Fifth places – 1000 golden eagles each

You can submit your videos by sending youtube links of your game play (quality must be 720p or higher) or a replay file with description of the moment at the [email protected]

Episode 11

1. Masuq0 -3000GE
2. _67th OddBall -2000GE
3. Owni -1000GE
4. PTFOholland - 1000GE
5. MerkulovRUS -1000GE

“This is War Thunder!”

Record your epic Game Play videos, create awesome gifs and glorious screenshots

Share them with your friends on facebook and twitter using hash-tag #ThisisWarThunder. 
The most epic creations will have the chance to be featured on our website!

As a little bonus this week, PhlyDaily has created another nifty video we figured you would all like to see -

War Thunder Tanks Montage - Clash Of Titans - War Thunder Ground Forces

See you all next time. o7

The War Thunder Team

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