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Gun Stabilizer
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The gun stabilizer is a system that improves the tank gun’s aim at the target and preserves (stabilizes) its aim even when the hull vibrates during movement, which allows it to perform effective aimed fire during vehicle movement or when temporarily stopped.

Reaction time and accuracy between target detection and effective hit
draw the line between life and death in tank warfare

 Currently a stabilizer on specific tanks is simulated with a generic high vertical guidance (elevation) speed on the gun - which, of course, makes firing on the move or after a short stop easier, but still this does not provide a real simulation of stabilizer and fire control systems. After the introduction of the accurate stabilizer simulation, the vertical guidance speed on specifically equipped vehicles will be reduced to real life values. 

This new feature will increase realism on machines historically equipped with a gun stabilisation system

The stabilization system for tank guns will be enabled by default for all armored vehicles on where such systems were historically installed. For tanks with the ability to aim the gun using a lever, by default the gun will aim as before, with the help of the aiming mechanism. The button to enable the stabilizer on such tanks will unlock the gun and enable stabilization mode.

The Gun Stabilizer in history :

The first stabilizers appeared during the Second World War – unilateral stabilizers were installed on several models of the M4 Sherman and M3 Stuart tanks. These devices possessed far worse stabilization capabilities than modern stabilizers, but nonetheless provided a means to aim fire on short stops, quickly restoring aiming and also to fire when moving at a low speed. Tanks with a low-caliber gun (for example the British Matilda, the Czech Pz-38t and certain Japanese vehicles) had the ability to unlock the lifting mechanism and aim the gun vertically with the help of a lock rest.

At the same time, because the gun was balanced in pins, when the tank was moving slowly it also achieved a stabilization effect, and could fire effectively against targets at short range. The gun stabilizer became an industry standard in tank design in the post-war years, when the complex electromechanical system of dual-plane stabilization became capable of holding a target in the sight even at a significant speed and with a serious lean on the vehicle’s hull.

On ships, gun stabilization was widespread during World War II, even for anti-air guns. They could also stabilize on three planes, compensating for swell. The ability to fire effectively whilst moving makes gameplay on vehicles equipped with gun stabilizers more fun and more dynamic.

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