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Aigle is Back on the Anniversary of its Launch!

Launched on February 19th 1931, Aigle (“Eagle”) became the lead ship of the French destroyer series of the same name. In the early years of WWII, Aigle accompanied convoys transporting soldiers and gold bars, and in the summer of 1940 took part in a raid on Genoa, repelling attacks from Italian boats. Aigle was scuttled at Toulon along with other ships of Vichy France in November 1942 to prevent it from falling into the hands of Nazi Germany.

The Aigle is back for Golden Eagles and is here to stay!

You can get this destroyer for 850 Golden Eagles.

When: From February 19th (11:00 GMT).

Where: France > Bluewater fleet > Premium vehicles.


About this destroyer

  • The Aigle is a very speedy destroyer. Its ammunition is stored just below the waterline, allowing for protection against explosions, and each turret has anti-fragmentation protection to help protect the crew. The Aigle also features decent torpedoes, and its available shells are well suited to countering boats and other destroyers!
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