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Event “Breakthrough in Poland”
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Event [Breakthrough] Poland is available from 29th October 5:00pm GMT till 3rd November 9am GMT

in Arcade and Realistic Battles of the rank III

Reward: +20% Silver Lions and Research Points

Pilots and tankers! We present a new event mode “Breakthrough” on location “Poland”. In this mode joint battles of air and ground forces take place on different parts of the location.

In the “Breakthrough” mode your team must capture a series of points one after another and prevent enemy team from capturing their points. Next point appears only when previous point is captured. In Realistic Battle mode winning team consistently captures three points on the map.

Features of the “Breakthrough” mode:

  • Completely captured points dissapear and can not be captured by the enemy team;
  • The next point appears on the map only when previous point is captured;
  • After the capture of each point, you have the opportunity to choose a new spawn point, which is closer to the front lines;
  • Choose your winning tactics: you may capture your point or the point of the enemy to bring your team closer to victory, or try to prevent enemy vehicles from capturing their points. Also you may support your team by protecting your allies capturing the point.

In Arcade Battles mode capture points in the town part of the location. Just as in regular AB missions, players are able to create mini-events to fly aircraft during the battle.

In Realistic Battles mode team Soviet has more players than team German. Respawn available for the respawn points, which can be earned for your active actions in combat: detection, hitting and destroying of enemy vehicles, capturing points or active participation in the combat area.

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