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To celebrate the Gamescom award War Thunder presents special event - "Golden Fights"! This Sunday, 1st of September from 16:00 GMT to 19:00 GMT (from 09:00 PDT to 12:00 PDT) you will earn 100 Golden Eagles for the second victory and 200 Golden Eagles for the fifth victory.

For the duration of the event "crew lock" in battles will be on.


Moscow, Russia - August XX, 2013 - Developer and Publisher Gaijin Entertainment today announced that they are the first CIS-located company to win at the Gamescom awards. The company claimed the “Best Simulation” for their hit franchise and military MMO game War Thunder. As one of the most coveted awards in the European games calendar, the Gamescom 2013 awards are nominated by a jury leading games critics from US and Europe’s most respected games media outlets.


From August 21st - 25th, during Gamescom 2013 tens of thousands of visitors to the Entertainment area of the Koelnmesse in Cologne walked away impressed after trying out the demo version of War Thunder for PS4 for the first time and after experiencing the open beta for PC.


A PlayStation 4 launch title and currently in open beta for PC, War Thunder is a state-of-the-art next generation MMO combat game that combines unparalleled online gameplay experiences that places players into action filled, highly explosive World War II aerial battles or mobilized over terrain using ground forces.


“We are blown away to be awarded “Best Simulation” for War Thunder at Gamescom 2013. The show has been one of the most important events in Gaijin Entertainment’s history. We unveiled the PS4 version to the public and demonstrated the ferocity of tank warfare and our support for Oculus Rift behind closed doors to the selected press. We would also like to thank the thousands of attendees who played through the demo in the Entertainment area and for their fantastic feedback in what is shaping up to be the biggest game in our history.” says Anton Yudintsev, CEO, Gaijin Entertainment.

We would also like  to present CGI-trailer, that was introduced on Gamescom.



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