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Sky Duels#2: "Sabres" vs. MiG's
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Sixty years ago,  on 27th of July 1953 the war in Korea that lasted 3 years, came to an end.

In 1950 Soviet and American pilots for the first time met each other in battle. American F-86 "Sabre" and Soviet MiG-15 became symbols of that war - looking very much alike and having similar performance characteristics.



Community of War Thunder invites you to a unique event - friendly matches and Jet Airshow. In the skies of War Thunder "Sabres" will confront MiG's once more. This is no contest, just a friendly show.

The event will start this Saturday, July 27th on 2pm GMT (7am PDT). Join the stream!

Broadcast EN

Broadcast RU

"Sabre" teams will be represented by the pilots from USA, Canada and European countries.

MiG pilots come from Russia and CIS states.



This weekend, From 27th of July 6am GMT (26th of July 11pm PDT) to 29th of July 6am GMT (28th of July 11pm PDT) War Thunder presents  Sky Duels Special!

While flying MiG-15 or F-86 "Sabre":
  • Shoot down 10, 25 and 50  enemy aircraft in Arcade Battles and get Silver Lions for each achievement, total reward - 100 000 Silver lions
  • Shoot down 4 and 15 enemy aircraft in Historic Battles and get Silver Lions for each achievement, total reward - 100 000 Silver lions  
  • Shoot down 3 and 7 enemy aircraft in Full Real Battles and get Silver Lions for each achievement, total reward - 100 000 Silver lions  

While flying Yak-9P and P-51:
  • Shoot down 10, 35 and 70  enemy aircraft in Arcade Battles and get Silver Lions for each achievement, total reward - 60 000 Silver lions
  • Shoot down 4 and 20  enemy aircraft in Historic Battles and get Silver Lions for each achievement, total reward - 60 000 Silver lions
  • Shoot down 3 and 7  enemy aircraft in Full RealBattles and get Silver Lions for each achievement, total reward - 60 000 Silver lions
And 30% special discount for purchasing F-86, MiG-15, P-51D, Yak-9P

And you have opportunity to earn some Golden Eagles! Take part in Sky Duels #2 Screenshot contest
War Thunder Team
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