War Thunder background
“Spring camo” contest results
A주목! 오래된 뉴스 형식. 콘텐츠가 올바르게 표시되지 않을 수 있습니다.

Spring has sprung! So it's time to dress your vehicle in some bright clothes. We are really impressed by your work – that's why we have decided to increase the “jury” reward from 7 to 15 days of Premium!

The winner in each nomination will get to pick one of the following pack :“Object 120”, “Z-20 Karl Galster”, “G55S”

Best historical camo

Following the Spring theme was quite a challenge! yeahboiiiii managed to do it. Great job!

Best semi-historic camo

While there are less strict requirements in this one, FireStarter93Rus took the job seriously.

They’ve brought four spring jet engines to the table. :)

Best fictional camo

Magnificent basic ground and impeccable implementation! Leviathan_07 and ifakegenius, we applaud your creativity and masterful detailization.

Jury prizes

Now we welcome the top 10 talented masters and players can download their camos for free!

x182008, Giacometti, mda122, _IronSun_, WARCSS, ChikaloB, Aspect_2k, Space_Impact, Yes_maN.

Also, vovanz78 will be granted with a month of premium as the most productive participant. It’s a pity that the  P-51 “Zebra” camo was not created for the contest.

Winners! Please monitor your official forum PMs - we will contact  you within 24 hours!

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