War Thunder background
Update 11.11.2015 (Server Update)
A주목! 오래된 뉴스 형식. 콘텐츠가 올바르게 표시되지 않을 수 있습니다.

This is a server update that will be implemented on the game servers within 24 hours. During this time, bug reports regarding specifics mentioned here and their effect in a battle will not be considered as a bug and as such will not be taken into consideration.

  • The Silver Lion cost of vehicle repairs and of bonus awards for some vehicles have been changed (Read more here).
  • The BR of the A43 Black Prince has been changed from 6.0 to 5.7 for all game modes.
  • The BR of the Stug III Ausf G has been reduced by 0.3 for all game modes (in AB from 4.7 to 4.3, in RB/SB from 4.3 to 4.0).
  • The amount of respawns for the Sherman Firefly "Scorpion" in Simulator Battles has been changed from 1 to 2, just like for another medium tanks.
  • The Camera position for the М26Е1 has been fixed. Previously, zooming to the “commander’s view” could cause the tank model to disappear.

Note: This server update applies to all platforms unless specifically highlighted.

The current provided patchnotes reflect the major changes within the game as part of this Update. Some updates and fixes may be not listed in the provided notes. War Thunder is constantly improving all the time and certain fixes may be implemented without the client being updated.