War Thunder background
Update 24.09.2014 (Server Update)
A주목! 오래된 뉴스 형식. 콘텐츠가 올바르게 표시되지 않을 수 있습니다.
  • Amount of available re-spawns in ground forces arcade have been limited to three to improve battle dynamics and increase variety of tactical situations. Light and medium tanks within one slot retain a number of respawns they had initially and that wont affect total respawn capacity.
  • Damage Model
    • Strength capacity of aircraft frameworks have been fixed
    • Material capability of engines, fuel and cooling systems have been fixed. It was harder to inflict significant damage to them prior to that.
    • Visual effects from different leaks (oil, water, fuel) and engine damage have been improved
    • Damage effect on inner modules has been fixed