War Thunder background
Update 07.08.2014 (
A주목! 오래된 뉴스 형식. 콘텐츠가 올바르게 표시되지 않을 수 있습니다.
  • Oculus Rift: Positional Tracking support has been enabled.
  • Hangar reflections have been fixed.
  • Fixed a black aura that sometimes was appearing on vehicles while moving with motion blur enabled.
  • Fixed bug where AI aircrafts would spawn with missing landing gear
  • Fixed missing sound of ammo rack explosion and fire
  • Fixed track traces on “old videocards support” mode - they were too bright.
  • Fixed an issue when after disabling Steam overlay - links inside the game shop would stop working.
  • Changes for Economy and Battle Ratings have been applied.
  • Several client crashes have been fixed.
Calculation of the score and activity points system has been changed:
  • Players who leave session in first opening minutes will gain less activity.
  • Amount of points in aircraft mode awarded to players in RB and SB increased by 1.5x and 2x respectively.
  • Activity is now also displayed in the userlog message at the end of the battle.
  • Activity is no longer displayed in results of the battle if player has left the battle before it ends.