War Thunder background
Hi! Welcome to Thunder Show and the mightiest moments of the past week. Got some beef with the aircraft? Then this episode’s for you! Get ready to see a series of the juiciest moments with exploding aircraft. Let’s get started!
  • 20 九月 2024
Scandinavian Sharpshooter: How to Play on CV90
It’s no coincidence that the Swedes named their latest IFV ‘Stridsfordon,’ meaning ‘combat vehicle.’ This sleek IFV can fight tanks, destroy aerial targets, survive in the toughest combat conditions and yes, it can also carry infantry. In War Thunder, Stridsfordon and CV90 series vehicles await players at high ranks of the Ground Forces tech tree—and just like their real-life counterparts, they are remarkably capable.
  • 18 九月 2024
The Shooting Range #424
You are watching The Shooting Range – a weekly show for all tankers, airmen and Captains in War Thunder.
  • 15 九月 2024
Thunder Show: WW2 Fighter vs 3 Jets
Hi! Welcome to Thunder Show and the most crushing moments of the past week. Today we have a bunch of impressive explosions at different altitudes for you. Let’s get started!
  • 13 九月 2024
Tip of the Spear: How to Play on Т-54/55
A few years after World War II, the USSR began producing the T-54 tank. Thousands of these tanks were produced and saw action across the globe, from Europe to Africa. Even though half a century has passed since then, T-54s are still in service today. Tanks from this family are also featured in War Thunder, appearing across multiple ground vehicle tech trees.
  • 11 九月 2024
The Shooting Range #423
You are watching The Shooting Range – a weekly show for all tankers, airmen and Captains in War Thunder.
  • 8 九月 2024
Moments of Valor: Brazil
Brazil celebrates Independence Day on September 7th, and this year the largest South American country turns 202 years old. We’re marking this date with a new cinematic video from the Moments of Valor series dedicated to Brazil.
  • 7 九月 2024
Thunder Show: I’M IN DANGER
Hi! Welcome to Thunder Show and the most unpredictable moments of the past week. We mean it! None of the things happening in this episode could be expected. Let’s get started!
  • 6 九月 2024
Ultimate Weapon: Book of Records, Modern MBTs
It might often seem like modern tanks are extremely similar to each other. The European Leopard, the American Abrams, the Japanese Type 10: countries are very different, their tanks — not so much. In reality, though, every single MBT is its own beast, developed after hundreds of hours of planning, testing and research, involving input from countless engineers and military decision-makers. Today, let’s prove this point by talking about the most interesting and memorable quirks of modern MBTs of War Thunder!
  • 4 九月 2024
The Shooting Range #422
You are watching The Shooting Range – a weekly show for all tankers, airmen and Captains in War Thunder.
  • 1 九月 2024
Thunder Show: I LIKE TRAINS
Hi! Welcome to Thunder Show and the most hilarious moments of the past week. Today we’re featuring some long-range help, an especially ferocious rocket tank, a multiton deus ex machina, and a few more secrets. Let’s get started!
  • 30 八月 2024
"Dance of Dragons" Update Teaser
Introducing the next major update teaser for War Thunder - "Dance of Dragons" 
  • 29 八月 2024
American Tiger: History of Northrop F-5
Aircraft are incredibly expensive to build. Not every country can afford to design, manufacture and maintain their own fleet of warplanes, especially if it wants to be always on top of its game. But what can you do if you're in constant need of new aircraft but lack the funds to regularly purchase the latest models on the market? Northrop Corporation faced this challenge and, as time has shown, found a highly successful solution.
  • 28 八月 2024
The Shooting Range #421
You are watching The Shooting Range – a weekly show for all tankers, airmen and Captains in War Thunder.
  • 25 八月 2024
Hi! Welcome to Thunder Show and the most crushing moments of the past week. This episode features a lot of truly huge planes and moments when players go beyond any expectation. Let’s get started!
  • 23 八月 2024
Superior Armor: How to Play Churchill Tanks
British Prime Minister Winston Churchill once remarked that they only named a tank after him because of the vehicle’s many shortcomings. The initial batches of Churchill tanks indeed suffered from numerous defects and breakdowns, but those issues did not prevent the tank from becoming renowned for its formidable armor and survivability.
  • 21 八月 2024
The Shooting Range #420
You are watching The Shooting Range – a weekly show for all tankers, airmen and Captains in War Thunder.
  • 18 八月 2024
Thunder Show: GAUSS GUN
Hi! Welcome to Thunder Show and the most mind-blowing moments of the past week. Some of them literally knock the ground out from under the tracks! Sounds exciting, huh? Let’s get started then!
  • 16 八月 2024