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The Milan Temporarily Returns on the Anniversary of its First Flight!
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The French Milan fighter jet was developed on the basis of the Mirage III by order of Switzerland and first took to the skies on May 29th 1969. Exactly 1 year later, the final version of this aircraft equipped with the Snecma Atar 9K-50 engine passed flight tests.

The Milan is temporarily available for Golden Eagles!

You can get this fighter jet for 9,090 Golden Eagles.

When: From May 29th (13:00 GMT) until June 3rd (13:00 GMT).

Where: France > Aviation > Premium vehicles.


About this aircraft

  • The Milan can be tricky to fly, but in the right hands it can be a real treat. It has excellent maneuverability and is capable of reaching incredible speeds. Plus, thanks to its good bomb load and ballistic computer, it can also be used for ground attacks.
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