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US Armed Forces Day: Celebrating with a New Decal!

It’s US Armed Forces Day! The US Armed Forces hold world records in terms of budget and number of military bases outside the country. In terms of the number of combat aircraft, the US Air Force, Navy and Marine Corps rank 1st, 4th and 7th in the world respectively, and in terms of tonnage the US Navy is ahead of all other countries. This holiday is celebrated annually on the third Sunday in May.

Earn the “Seal of the United States Army” decal!

For this day, you can get this new decal!

When: From May 17th (11:00 GMT) until May 22nd (07:00 GMT).

Task: Play 3 battles using US vehicles at rank III or higher to receive the “Seal of the United States Army” decal!

Additional details:


“Seal of the United States Army” decal

  • You must use a minimum of rank III.
  • Your activity must not be below 70%.
  • You can complete the task in random battles, except for Enduring Confrontation missions, and [Assault] mode.
  • Track your progress in the hangar by clicking Nickname → Achievements → Holidays → US Armed Forces Day.
  • You can find the decal in the USA → Tanks tab in the Customization menu.
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