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A Decal for Italian Liberation Day!
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On April 25th, Italy annually celebrates the Day of Liberation from Nazism and Fascism. On this day in 1945 a large-scale guerrilla uprising began, ending the Italian Social Republic and the German occupation of Northern Italy.

Earn the “Italy liberation day 2024” decal!

Decorate your vehicles with a themed decal in honor of this historical event.

When: From April 25th (10:00 GMT) until April 28th (10:00 GMT).

Task: Play 3 battles using Italian vehicles at rank III or higher to receive the “Italy liberation day 2024” decal

Additional details:

“Italy liberation day 2024” decal
  • You must use a minimum of rank III.
  • Your activity must not be below 70%.
  • You can complete the task in random battles, except for Enduring Confrontation missions, and [Assault] mode.
  • Track your progress in the hangar by clicking Nickname → Achievements → Holidays → Italian Liberation Day.
  • You can find the decal in the “Holidays” tab in the Customization menu.
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