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Video Contest "Race!" and competition "Race camouflage."
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Shut off the engine and open the champagne, it's the best time in any competition - the announcement of the fastest and most stylish winners of the two competitions: "Competition racing camouflage" and "video contest: Race"! Of course, in good tradition this time we are not able to do the judging without a jury for the prizes.

Video contest winners:

First place: Haechi with help from YippeeKiYay_ , pericagal19, Jerdnas

7.000 Golden Eagels and a premium vehicle of your choice up to and including rank 4. Team members actively participating in the video – 1,000 Golden Eagles each.

Second place: SgtBreastCannon with help from Ptrix, Evil/TunaFive, Lumpy/Lumpy3

5,000 Golden Eagles and a premium vehicle of your choice up to and including rank 3. Team members actively participating in the video – 500 Golden Eagles each.

Racing camouflage contest winners:

First place KodiakGER


First place - 5,000 Golden Eagles

Second place Paegas


Second palce - 4,000 Golden Eagles

Third place: RLC


Third place - 3,000 Golden Eagles


Special awards go to Spogooterand to Kaspar_ both of them will recive 2000 GE!

Prize-winning participants of both contests will receive the unique title“Racer””!


War Thunder Team


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