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The third week of the WW2 Chronicles event has begun!
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Click here to see the event calendar!

The third week of the WW2 Chronicles event series has begun, allowing the players to participate in the battles of Sevastopol and Moscow, the famous battles of the early Pacific theatre and the battle of Malta. Join the unique events involving ground vehicles and aircraft!

"The Chronicle of the Second World War" invites players to participate in events that will involve all modes of difficulty. Historical Lineups, new scenarios and a description of each event will enable you to fully explore the possibility of a virtual reconstruction of a real battle in the sky and on the ground in War Thunder. In addition, the battles will reflect the new content that was added in Update 1.45 in the locations, missions and equipment.


Each week we will publish a schedule of gaming events, which you will be able to follow here. Throughout December and January War Thunder players can take part in the reconstruction of many of the important battles and conflicts of the 30s and 40s, starting with air skirmishes over Spain and ending with the storming of Berlin. In addition, we will not only be highlighting the European theatre of war, but players can also take part in battles in the Pacific and even Africa.

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