War Thunder background
Sparkly for Children
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The most beautiful thing in the world is to help a person that has had maybe a little less luck than we ourselves have had. This person, may have made a wrong decision in their life or maybe didn't even have a chance to make a good decision. A person, that is shivering from cold peeking through a window and seeing happy families preparing for a Christmas dinner.


Christmas is a time when we can all be just a little spark of happiness for many people. Thanks to our good deeds we can bring a smile to the faces of those people and evoke in them the feelings of love, happiness and faith in the other human being.


The “Sparkly for Children" (polish Iskierka Radości) is a beautiful thing, full of emotions and emotional scenes, as we don't know how a person asking for help will react to it. As War Thunder is not just a game, but also about the people, the company and the Polish team trying to mix the game with aviation history, museum visits, the remembrance of Polish patriots, national holidays, patriotism and overall kindness, which we all keep in our hearts. We did not consider failure at any time – We just set ourselves a goal and worked hard to achieve it. A lot of friendly institutions called back, along with the Air Force Academy that for many players, is the dream backing.


Tiredness, nerves, stress – all of this faded away when our stand was overwhelmed with kids from nearby kindergartens – they wanted to be everywhere, touch everything, they tried on pilot helmets and accessories used by the Polish Air Force pilots, they looked at albums from the Museum of Polish Aviation and then they run off to play War Thunder.


Thanks to the auctions we collected a hefty sum of money that we gave to the organizers of the action – not only from us, but also from those that made it successful. The winners of the contests will go with us on a wonderful trip to the 8th Transport Aviation Base in Kraków.



"At this point we would like to thank Major Tomasz Ziółkowski and the Polish Air Force Academy for sharing his beautiful albums, Katarzyna Zielińska for sharing with us the gadgets from the Polish Aviation Museum, Łukasz and Jakub from Budda Play, who traveled through half of Poland to set up our stand and a big thank you as well to all that won the auctions, the people, that were there on that day and finally to the Polish Community, which we are proud of. Thank you again, you are great!" - Bartłomiej "Bajtek5" Kalemba, the Polish Community Manager.



We are here for you!

The War Thunder Team


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