War Thunder background
Vencedores das Competições de Janeiro do War Thunder
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Dear players and Fine Arts experts!

A new month has arrived, so it's time to proclaim the winners of our last month's Community competitions! As always, a lot of effort has been put into the content that was created, and the winners will be happy to receive their share of the prize fund totalling more than 25 000 Golden Eagles!

Interested in joining any of the competitions below yourself? Then don't waste any time and visit the forums for more information!


Screenshot Direto - 1 500 
Autor: Londi_575M
Screenshot Artístico - 1 500 
Autor: olife1
Recriação Histórica - 1 500  
Autor: printf8via


Skin - 2 000 
Autor: iFez
Skin - 2 000 
Autor: Sonoda_Kotori
Skin - 2 000  
Autor: Tiger_VI

Primeiro Lugar - 5 000 
Autor: TheCodMineMan
Segundo Lugar - 4 000 
Autor: Stealthy_Ace
Terceiro Lugar - 3 000 
Autor: VonRichthofen555

Quarto Lugar - 2 000 
Autor: bobeiionut
Quinto Lugar - 1 000 
Autor: LoLo_PARD

Competiçõe anteriores:

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