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Weekend tournaments, February 23rd and 24th
Pilots, tankers and captains! Check out new tournaments this weekend on the TSS portal.
  • 22 February 2019
War Thunder. Abrams vs.T-72A
It’s been a while since we had a proper comparison on the channel. Today we restore this great tradition with a stand-off between two legendary heavies: the Soviet T-72A and the American M1 Abrams.
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  • 21 February 2019
MiG-19S: Magnificent Performance
The MiG-19S is a further development of the Soviet Union’s first supersonic jet fighter, already familiar to some of our players from the modification of the MiG-19PT. In update 1.87, German pilots will also have the chance to reach supersonic speeds behind the controls of an East German MiG-19S, coming to War Thunder very soon!
Ballistic update - questions and answers from the developers
Today, we wanted to share some more insight and answers on the recent penetration mechanic changes to explain our plans, goals and some more on your specific questions.
User Tournaments and War Thunder eSports Partnership Program
We present you the War Thunder eSports Program - the easy and convenient way for organizing, creating and running user tournaments by players, squadrons and eSport organizations in War Thunder.
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  • 21 February 2019
USS Somers (DD-381): Strength in Numbers
USS Somers is the lead ship of her class of five destroyers, which featured more efficient boilers and increased firepower over the preceding Porter-class. Soon, War Thunder captains will have the chance to take command over another new destroyer coming to the American naval tree with the upcoming update 1.87!
New Location: Alaska
We continue to expand the number of locations represented in War Thunder with every update, and update 1.87 won’t be an exception to that. Today, we’re happy to present to our players a new location for ground battles, set in beautiful Alaska!
Leningrad: From The Ashes
The Leningrad is the lead ship of her class of three Soviet destroyers built for the Baltic Fleet during the 1930s, now available to all players as one of the main prizes in the ongoing naval marathon event!
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  • 19 February 2019
PBM-3 Mariner: The Eye in the Sky
The PBM Mariner is an American flying boat, developed by the Martin company in the late 1930s as a replacement for older flying boats in service with the USN at the time. The PBM-3, representative of the mid series of the Mariner, will be available to War Thunder pilots as one of the main prizes in the naval marathon event!
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  • 19 February 2019
Sea Voyage
Our brave sailors will go on a “Sea Voyage”, in which pilots and ship commanders will be able to win premium vehicles and other prizes by completing the tasks in the combined naval battles!
Sea Hawk FGA.6: Jet Vulture
The Sea Hawk is the first jet-powered aircraft developed by the well-known Hawker company during the 1940s, which saw extensive service with several nation’s naval aviation. In the upcoming update 1.87, we’re planning to introduce one of the last modifications of the Sea Hawk to War Thunder. Pilots, meet the Sea Hawk FGA.6!
The Shooting Range 135
You are watching The Shooting Range – a weekly show for all tankers, airmen and Captains in War Thunder.
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  • 17 February 2019
Thunder Show: High Precision Bombing
It's time for your weekly episode of the Thunder Show! Enjoy our selection of epic and humorous Community videos of the week.
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  • 15 February 2019
Challenger 2 and rank VII armored vehicles
Developed in the mid ‘80s as a successor to the Challenger 1, the Challenger 2 entered service in the early ‘90s and continues to serve with the British Army today. In the upcoming update 1.87, War Thunder tankers may look forward to the opportunity of commanding the most modern MBT fielded by the British Army!
Multi-turreted Tanks
Today we're speaking about one of the most peculiar vehicle of War Thunder - the multi turrets tank! Epic, fearsome, sometimes borderline stupid… but still kind of awesome!
  • 14 February 2019
Valentine's Day contest!
Participate in the ♥ Valentine's Day contest and win premium packs!
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  • 14 February 2019
Valentine's day with War Thunder!
Valentine’s day in War Thunder will bring more love - and you may share it with others and win valuable prizes!
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  • 14 February 2019
Weekend tournaments, February 16th and 17th
Pilots, tankers and captains! Check out new tournaments this weekend on the TSS portal.
  • 14 February 2019