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Naval Battle Packs 30% off! (offer is over)
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Only until August 22nd (09:00 GMT)

Don’t miss your chance to buy naval packs at 30% discount and get your pre-order bonuses!

Naval battles pack are already available for pre-order in our store. The first Pack includes the Soviet Project 1124 Armored River Boat with the unguided rocket launcher, the legendary Katyusha. The second pack includes the famous American PT-109, a motor torpedo boat on which the future US President John F. Kennedy commanded and performed acts of wartime heroism. Each pack grants access to the CBT of naval battles, which will begin in one of the future updates. Both ships will be available at the start of the closed beta testing as will other nations vessels.

Any Naval Pack guarantees access to the Closed Beta Testing (CBT) of War Thunder Naval Battles.


This pack includes​:

  • Project 1124 armored river boat (USSR);
  • 1000 Golden Eagles;
  • Pre-order bonus 3D-decoration 'Matrosov Anchor';
    Pre-order bonus decal 'Soviet Navy peakless cap';
    Pre-order bonus title 'Lookout';
  • Naval battles closed beta access.

Please note, that naval battles closed beta will start in one of the future updates.You will get your 3D-decoration and decal once the CBT begins.The craft from the packs (either the PT-109 or the 1124) will be available during the CBT, they wont be available from the very beginning of the test though. These boats will appear in the ship pre-sets for special Events when we run closed beta. You will get the title and Golden Eagles straight after purchase. The decoration can only be applied to ground vehicles and the decal can be applied to both ground vehicles and aircraft.

The large Project 1124 armored river boat was developed for a wide range of battlefield tasks in river waterways and this gunboat boasted leading developments in the Soviet industry for that time. The T-34 turret provides a means to fire precisely at any vehicle's most vital modules and compartments even from a great distance. Two 12.7mm machine guns allow the gunboat to efficiently eliminate crews on enemy ships and low-flying aircraft. But the main destructive power of the Project 1124, lies in her M-13-M1 unguided rocket launcher, the legendary Katyusha, capable of raining down death and destruction with a single volley of 16 rockets.


This pack includes​:​

  • PT-109 torpedo boat (USA);
  • 3000 Golden Eagles;
  • Pre-order bonus 3D-decoration 'Danforth Anchor';
  • Pre-order bonus decal 'Dixie cup hat';
  • Pre-order bonus title 'Lookout';
  • Naval battles closed beta access.
  Please note, that naval battles closed beta will start in one of the future updates.You will get your 3D-decoration and decal once the CBT begins.The craft from the packs (either the PT-109 or the 1124) will be available during the CBT, they wont be available from the very beginning of the test though. These boats will appear in the ship pre-sets for special Events when we run closed beta. You will get the title and Golden Eagles straight after purchase. The decoration can only be applied to ground vehicles and the decal can be applied to both ground vehicles and aircraft.

PT-109, a torpedo boat on which the future US President John F. Kennedy commanded and performed acts of heroism. It has four 21-inch Mark 18-1 torpedo tubes, two twin high-caliber .50 Browning machine guns in rotating turrets and an automatic 20 mm Oerlikon cannon on the stern. She had a 12-man crew and could reach a maximum speed of 41 knots (roughly 75 km/h). This boat is a fast and maneuverable ship destroyer that can reach capture points first and lay down suppressing fire on opposing ships and aircraft. Her four torpedoes, each weighing almost 1,200 kg, come in handy for destroying large naval targets, and a direct hit against a small enemy vessel will immediately send your opponent back to the dock.

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Use the chance to get unique content at a discounted price, while guaranteeing your access to the Naval CBT!

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