War Thunder background
Update 21.04.2017 (Server Update)

Screenshot of Firefly F Mk 1 created by Motherbrain | Find more Player created content on Live.WarThunder!

  • Firefly F Mk I has been fixed according to data sheet, ammo load for Hispano Mk II cannon now 145 and 175 rounds for internal and external weaponry respectively. Ammo will be added to the X-ray view in one of the nearest updates. 
  • AI Smaller sized vessels’ damage Model is now more detailed, previously there was a simplified DM and occasionally it was problematic to destroy these vessels with various ammo belts. 

Note: This server update applies to all platforms unless specifically highlighted.​

The current provided patchnotes reflect the major changes within the game as part of this Update. Some updates and fixes may be not listed in the provided notes. War Thunder is constantly improving all the time and certain fixes may be implemented without the client being updated.